Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Wednesday. God Bless America!* Am I trying to be funny? Not really. I am just super grateful that our dear old boy Zeno is seemingly so much better this morning. Yesterday was tough (see previous post.) I was able to coax Zeno to eat a tiny bit for breakfast, and a little more for dinner. In the afternoon, I forced water on him by dribbling it into his mouth. Standing was difficult for him, he seemed to try to use both hind legs as one pole (by placing feet next to one another) for added stability. Walking was only hobbling for a few feet. You could see the salty tracks where tears had welled in his eyes. When bedtime came, my husband & I debated what to do. Should we carry him upstairs on the blanket stretcher, or try to bed down on the livingroom floor to keep our old friend company? Finally, I went upstairs for a few winks, leaving my better half sitting with the old boy, peering at his laptop. When my other half came to bed, and I heard the whining from downstairs, I took pillow and sheet in hand, and found a place on the floor next to Zeno. After some periods of time, Zeno would whine and crawl forward in a circle, and resettle himself. About 4 am, I had the bright idea of putting a wool blanket over him, and this seemed to settle him down to the point that I was able to return to bed for a few more winks.

Miracle of miracles! This morning, he has eaten well, and was ready with bright eyes and tail wagging when I fumbled in the closet for the leashes and bags. Suspicious of his true ability just one day out, after a difficult night, I thought, well, it woudn't hurt to just put the leash on and walk to the front of the yard and back. But we proceeded on down the driveway, Zeno walking steadily and slowly. His legs are stiff, but his back supple, and gait steady. We walked down to the little mailbox two houses west on Ainsworth, at which point I was ready to head home. But Zeno was ready to walk past the driveway. We made it all the way down to 60th (1 and 1/2 blocks,) then returned home. We are making arrangements with a wonderfull veterinarian, Dr. Lisa Hoberg, of Holistic Housecall Veterinary Services here in Pdx, for his care.

*No political message intended. (May 2008 come soon, and may our country head in a new, more thoughtfull, considerate and positive direction than what we've experienced this past 6 years . . . )