Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Teusday afternoon. My intentions this morning were to take the dogs and myself to Powell Butte--once again, life intervened. Our walk was delayed when a small jar fell from my hands into the grinding In-Sink-Erator, the disposal. After spending a bit of time digging ground glass out of the disposal, and realizing that more would have to be done, I was finally ready with dogs in car, leashes and plastic bags in hand, when the phone rang. My friend would like a ride downtown, to the one place in town (she knows of) that carries asafoetida. It is very important to her, she says. I ask if she would join me for a walk with the dogs, first. She agrees, and (after picking her up) we head down I-84 to Washington Park. We park next to the International Rose Test Garden. It is a very busy day there. The dogs eagerly climb from the car--they know this place!

We stop at the girl's room, and both of us enjoy a hosta plant, whose white flowers emit a piercing fragrance. My friend takes Zeno's leash, commenting that they go at a similar pace. We meander a little ways through the rose test garden. She is particularly taken with a lavender colored rose, while I keep testing flowers for fragrance. Influence of the dogs? They find good smells everywhere!

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