Wednesday. Rain pounding in our gutters last night sounded almost like coins falling in a tin can! There was heavy rain in the very early morning hours. It has taken me a long time to be ready for our walk this morning, and now as I gather dogs, leashes, and bags, it is already nearing 10 am. The clouds are breaking up a little, and the air is fresh and cool. We walk east towards 60th. There is a large old walnut, with broad leaves. I pick up a large green nut from the ground. I love the smell of walnut husk. For those who've not seen them, walnuts as they grow on trees have a thick green "skin" covering the brown casing of walnut shell that you see on walnuts in stores. If the skin of the walnut is pierced, there is a spicy, almost soapy odor, which I find quite pleasant. I'd like to learn some of the different species of walnuts, as I'm sure there are at least two in this neighborhood. As we come around the corner of Ainsworth and 60th, two dogs inside a fence there set up a holy racket. Tiger responds with whining and pulls on her leash--I have to restrain her. Further, a thin nylon fishing line brushes against my face. Grasping it in my hand, I see that it is hanging from the telephone wire above. Must be the work of youth . . .
As we turn west again on Simpson, the sun breaks completely free of clouds. Walking into the quiet of this street, away from the traffic & noise of 60th, with sun lighting up the scene, it seems like I've found a piece of heaven. Tall trees glisten in fresh morning air. I want to catch this with my camera, so head back home. Returning, the light has completely changed, and we walk on. Instead, I am able to get a shot of the samaras (seed pods) of an ailanthus tree (mentioned in yesterday's post,) and one shot of the vibrant blue sky with clouds. The clouds seem to say "Aloha oe, until we meet again. . . " I'd also like to send a special birthday aloha to my dad, Ernie Simmerer, who was born this day, year 1914, close to Tacoma, state of Washington, and left this world 2/12/1973 departing from Queen Emma Hospital, Honolulu, Hawaii.
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